McDonald's Egg McMuffin Hack

 Here's one I just discovered via the little "loopholes" that exist within the maze of  McDonald's cost accounting methods of its ala carte items. This one has to do with the sausage McMuffin with egg, or it will work with the sausage biscuit with egg. Either one is normally $2,89, at least in my geographic area. But here's what happens when you order a sausage McMuffin or biscuit (without egg) from their "Value Menu" and then add an ala carte folded egg (or round egg will work, too):

Voila, you get $1 off the price of the sausage/egg sandwich, which is enough left over to buy a small coffee or soda off the Value Menu ($1) or in my case a senior coffee for 69 cents. In my case with the senior coffee, I put 31 cents in my pocket versus ordering the sandwich at full price, with no beverage.

Yeah, I know, big whoop on the 31 cents. But for me, the joy is in fucking with the corporate machine, and I'll admit I get a sinister thrill from messing with the counter people. "You want whaaat?" they often ask. I love it. And here's the deal: Recently, the bean counters at McDonald's decided to price every ingredient of every menu item down to the penny. For example, it's 25 cents extra for Big Mac sauce if you want that on your Quarter Pounder instead of ketchup and mustard. And by the way, they provide no price deduction for the skipped ketchup and mustard. Shouldn't a dollop of ketchup and mustard be about equal in value to a dollop of Thousand Island dressing? Certainly, there hangs a class action lawsuit from some enterprising lawyer.

But I digress ...

I want to emphasize that I don't typically eat breakfast at McDonald's. It's not part of the "binges" philosophy of this blog. I love breakfast, and typically either cook a deluxe breakfast at home, or search out killer breakfast places when I'm on vacation. (The "Waffle Company" in Mt. Vernon, Ill., or "Aretha Frankenstein's" in Chattanooga, TN, or the "Corner Cafe" in Newport, RI come to mind.) But sometimes, you want or need a fast and cheap breakfast. For those times, McD's is usually my solution.



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