Florence Nightingale

By Bruce Shawkey Found this interesting book on the Internet authored by Florence Nightingale (1820-1910). She set what she believed were "best practices for nurses to maintain proper hygiene at hospitals. Her book was based on experiences while nursing at a hospital during the Crimean War. Conditions were awful. Many soldiers died from infection after being treated from their war wounds. Here's just one excerpt from her book regarding slop pails. A slop-pail should never be brought into a sick room. It should be carried directly to the water-closet, emptied there, rinsed there, and brought back. There should always be water and a cock in every water-closet for rinsing. But even if there is not, you must carry water there to rinse with. I have actually seen, in the private sick room, the utensils emptied into the foot-pan, and put back unrinsed under the bed. I can hardly say which is most abominable, whether to do this or to rinse the utensil in the sick room. Though s...