The Early Days of Flight

 By Bruce Shawkey

Found this interest magazin e online devoted to the early years of the airplane. The magazine was called "Flight" and was published in Britain, though coverage was also given to the Wright brothers in America. Note that flight lengths were stated in "meters," not miles.

Later issues covered the dawn of commercial and military aviation.

The Wright brothers' success in building and demonstrating the Wright Military Flyer for the U.S. Army Signal Corps in 1909 marked a significant moment in the history of military aviation. This marked the first time a military organization officially acquired an aircraft for its use. 

Early Military Applications;  Reconnaissance and Observation:

Early military aircraft were primarily used for reconnaissance and observation, providing a new vantage point for military commanders to assess enemy positions and movements.

 World War I (1914-1918):

The use of aircraft in the military expanded significantly during World War I. The war saw the development of aerial combat, bombing, and other military applications of aircraft.


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