The Story of Thomas Edison

From the Internet archives; Much more, of course, has been written about him, some good, some not so good. This 182-page biography is universally positive, and doesn't get into his wars with George Westinghouse over AC/DC, his taking credit for inventions from others in his workshops, etc. He is fairly revered in Fort Myers, Fla., where he spent many winters in his later years due to rheumatism and various other ailments. He was born February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio, and died: October 18, 1931 (age 84 years), in West Orange, NJ, site of his Menlo Park laboratory. He is immortalized in a postage stamp issued as part of the "Famous Americans" series in 1947. He is further immortalized as the hero of Doctor Emmett Brown (played by Christopher Lloyd) in the movie "Back to the Future."