Electric Cars

By Bruce Shawkey Electric and hybrid cars are all the rage right now with high gas prices and green house gasses causing global warming and all that. I myself have owned two Toyota Prii (Toyota says this is the official plural of Prius) hybrids, not necessarily because I wanted to save the environment, but because of the good gas mileage, and Toyota's renowned reliability. We tend to forget that electric cars are nothing new; in fact they were around even before gasoline engine powered cars. The first recorded instance of an electric vehicle dates back to the mid-1800s. In the 1830s, Scottish inventor Robert Anderson developed a rudimentary electric carriage. However, these early inventions were limited by the primitive batteries at the time, which were unable to store sufficient energy for practical use. The real potential for electric cars emerged with the invention of the rechargeable battery by French physicist Gaston Planté in 1859. Planté's lead-acid batter...