General Maxims for Health

 By Bruce Shawkey

General Maxims for Health

From "The Frugal Housewife," by Mrs. Child, published 1835 Not bad for 190 year old advice!

Rise early. Eat simple food. Take plenty of exercise; never fear a little fatigue. Avoid the necessity of a physician, if you can, by careful attention to your diet. Eat what best agrees with your system, and resolutely abstain from what hurts you.

A few days' abstinence, and cold water for a beverage, has driven off many an approaching disease. If you find yourself really ill, send for a good physician. Have nothing to do with quacks and do not tamper with quack medicines.

Wear shoes that are large enough. Cramped shoes not only produces corns, but makes the feet misshapen.

Wash very often, and rub the skin thoroughly with a hard brush.

Let those who love to be invalids drink strong green tea, eat pickles, preserves, and rich pastry. As far as possible, eat and sleep at regular hours.

Wash the eyes thoroughly in cold water every morning. Do not read or sew at twilight, or by too dazzling a light. If far-sighted, read with rather less light, and with the book somewhat nearer to the eye, than you desire. If near sighted, read with a book as far off as possible. Both these imperfections may be diminished in this way.

Clean teeth in pure water two or three times a day; but, above all, be sure to have them clean before you go to bed.

Have your bed-chamber well aired;  and have fresh bed linen every week. Never have the wind blowing directly upon you from open windows during the night. It is not healthy to sleep in heated rooms. Too frequent use of an ivory comb injures the hair.



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