Pete and Mabel's Trip to the 1939 World's Fair and Beyond

By Bruce Shawkey My grandparents traveled by auto to the 1939 World's Fair in New York. It must have quite a journey on so many levels. To my knowledge, they never ventured very far from their home in Lodi, Wis. Also, consider there were no Interstate Highways in those days, just two-lane roads. I wondered if they even had a road map, or just went "east," following Grandpa's innate sense of direction. I don't know what car they drove; presumably there was 27,875 miles on the odometer. They took someone with them named Ella, who I assume was Ella Marfelius, who my grandparents mentioned several times, but I never met, at least to my knowledge. In any event, here is the log/journal that Mabel kept of their journey (with annotations in italics). "Left Lodi 7 a.m. 27,875 ( miles on odometer ), August 20, 1939. Ate dinner at LaGrange, Ill. Not very good service. Slept first night in cabin near Ft. Wayne. We cooked bacon and eggs without inquiring and later found ...